From 3 pm : Round table discussion with authors and guests (limited seats available).
From 5 pm : Book launch event and exhibition.
@ Anteism Books (435 Rue Beaubien Ouest, #100, Montreal)
Presenting artworks by Refik Anadol Sofia Crespo Erin Gee Jhave Anna Ridler Mike Tyka Sougwen Chung
Authors Christopher Salter and Sofian Audry will get together to discuss their recent publications, respectively, “Art in the Age of Machine Learning” (MIT Press, 2021) and “Sensing machines: How sensors shape our everyday life” (MIT Press, 2022). The live-streamed roundtable will be followed by a book launch and signature session. Both authors entangle art, culture and social-cultural responses to technology. Audry's Art in the Age of Machine Learning focuses on artistic practices at the intersection of machine learning and new media art, providing conceptual tools and historical perspectives for new media artists, musicians, composers, writers, curators, and theorists. Looking at works from a broad range of practices from media art to music and literature, Audry connects machine learning art to such earlier artistic practices as cybernetics art, artificial life art, and evolutionary art. The book describes artistic practice through the fundamental design of machine learning algorithms, considering learning procedures, models, and the role of data in machine learning art.
Salter’s new book, Sensing Machines, examines how we are tracked, surveilled, tantalized, and seduced by machines ranging from smart watches and mood trackers to massive immersive art installations. There are more of these electronic devices in the world than there are people—in 2020, thirty to fifty billion of them (versus 7.8 billion people), with more than a trillion expected in the next decade. Sensing technology turns our experience into data; but the book’s story isn't just about what these machines want from us, but what we want from them—new sensations, the thrill of the uncanny, and magic that will transport us from our daily grind.
Radiodiffusion artistique - Appel à candidatures
Arts Broadcasting - Call For Submissions
Anteism invite les artistes et les organismes de Tiohtià:ke/Montreal à utiliser gratuitement ses nouvelles installations de diffusion web.
Anteism invites artists and organizations in the Tiohtià:ke/Montreal area to make use of their new web broadcasting facilities.
(English will follow)
En raison de la prolongation de la fermeture des espaces de diffusion artistique, Anteism souhaite inviter les artistes et les organisations de la région de Tiohtià:ke/Montréal à utiliser gratuitement ses nouvelles installations de diffusion web.
Grâce au soutien du programme de stratégies numériques du Conseil des Arts du Canada, Anteism met à disposition ses ressources de diffusion web aux artistes, aux collectifs d’artistes, aux organisations et aux institutions contraint.e.s d’opérer à petite échelle, pour les aider à rétablir leur présence dans la sphère publique.
Anteism est engagé dans le milieu des nouveaux médias expérimentaux et de la publication d'art à Montréal et souhaite permettre aux initiatives locales d’atteindre leurs publics durant la période de distanciation sociale. Nous espérons créer un lien entre les artistes et leurs communautés et soutenir ce.ux.lles qui cherchent à diffuser leurs projets. Nous vous fournirons un soutien à la production et à l’usage des équipements audiovisuels, afin de réaliser un projet web de qualité professionnelle, prêt à être diffusé sur vos réseaux.
Nous disposons d’un espace polyvalent, comprenant une scène de avec la possibilité de vidéoprojection, l’accès à plusieurs appareils audio et vidéo, un soutien technique, une aide à la gestion, à la diffusion et à la postproduction au besoin.
Ce soutien sera valable tout au long des mois de mars et avril 2021. Nous continuerons à accepter les candidatures jusqu'au 5 février via le formulaire ci-dessous.
En espérant apporter le soutien nécessaire à ce.ux.lles qui ont rencontré des difficultés pour atteindre leur public en raison du manque d’espace, de budget, et de matériel. Nous avons hâte d’en savoir plus sur vos projets!
With the prolonged cancellation of in-person arts programming, Anteism would like to extend an invitation to artists and organizations in the Tiohtià:ke/Montreal area to make use of our new Web Broadcasting Facility.
Made possible with the support of the Canada Council of Arts' Digital Strategies Program, Anteism will be making webcasting resources available to artists, groups, organizations, and institutions who operate on a smaller scale, in order to bring their otherwise displaced programming into the public sphere.
Anteism is engaged with experimental new media and technologies in the rapidly changing world of art publishing, and hopes to enable local initiatives to reach their audience. We will provide support to those looking to stream and display their works and events, and aim to act as a bridge between makers and their communities. You will have access to equipment as well as the training and production support that is necessary for professional-quality web streaming into your own media channels.
Our multi-purpose space, features a presentation stage with front and rear projection, multiple audio and video devices, as well as a team of knowledgeable individuals to provide technical support, aid with live-stream management and coordinate any necessary post-production, if applicable.
This support will be available throughout March and April, 2021. We will continue taking applications until February 5th through the online form below.
This project aims to provide the necessary support to those that have faced difficulty to reach their community and the greater public due to spacial, financial, and technical limitations. We look forward to assisting the arts community in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal with their broadcast presentations!

Anteism Books presents:
David Jhave Johnson’s multimedia presentation for the “ReRites” book project.
Emerging Technologies and the Visual Arts: Cross-Disciplinary Exploration and Creation.
Latent See is an open-studio exhibition that has acted as a research and creation residency for four artists who have used emerging technologies such as machine intelligence, augmented reality and other exploratory oddities within the scope of their practice.
In an era of climate crisis, iceberg melt and big data GPUs which have been weaponized the manipulation of images, Latent See is an implicit vision into the spaces between the normal constraints of civilization and the entropic affordances offered by machine intelligence.
It is also the latent gaze of augmented vision, articulate machines, and generative flowers sprouting ideologies.
Each aspect suggests diverse trajectories through an imminent domain that is either utopia or oblivion.
Artists in Residence:
Alisha Piercy & Frances Adair Mckenzie
David Jhave Johnston
Jenny Lin
Additional Works and Publications by:
Adam Basanta
Anna Ridler
Casey Reas
Gregory Chatonsky
Mike Tyka
Refik Anadol
Sofia Crespo
Location: Anteism Books, 435 Beaubien west, #100
Vernissage: October 3rd, 6-10pm
Exhibition dates: Oct. 3rd- Nov. 30th
Hours: 12-6pm. Tuesday- Saturday