
Anteism is a Canadian publisher working with galleries and artists to produce unique art books. Our blog showcases the books we produce and the artist books we love!

New Art Anthology "Abracadabra"

Abracadabra is a book published by Anteism

We are pleased to announce an upcoming art anthology entitled "Abracadabra". The book has been conceptualized and compiled by Victoria based artists Brooke Semple-Haight and Cody Coyote Haight. The artwork in the book varies from sculpture, photography, painting & drawing. Each artist has submitted an expression on the theme of magic.

"Abracadabra is a compilation of 34 artists’ work inspired by the theme of Magic and Metaphysics. It is a celebration of the otherworldly, an embracing of the unexplainable, an interaction with the symbolic, a salute to the weird and whimsical, a wander into the forest of the fantastical. It is a witches brew of ideas, subject matter, expression and style, boiled in the imagination of two lovers. - Excerpt from the introduction to Abracadabra

We look forward to sharing this book with you during a book launch and art show at the Sunset Room in Victoria. Friday, July 18th 2008.