
Anteism is a Canadian publisher working with galleries and artists to produce unique art books. Our blog showcases the books we produce and the artist books we love!

The Fisgard Mural Concern - Victoria

The Fisgard Mural

The Olio Artists & Workers Cooperative are pleased to announce the development of the Fisgard Mural Concern, an initiative to transform the exterior of 614 Fisgard st. into downtown Victoria’s largest mural and contemporary art piece.

Fisgard - Victoria - BC - Mural Project

At roughly 3700ft2, the exterior wall of the Lee’s Benevolent Ass’n building will accommodate a piece larger than the whale wall and 100% whale-free.

The collaborative initiative will invoke Victoria artists Luke Ramsey, Shawn O’Keefe, Ryan Thompson, Joey MacDonald, Calvin Coles and Renny McClure, among others, to reflect on their hometown through positive, accessible themes and imagery. The resulting artwork will be honed into a single scene through consensus before being rendered onto the sizeable south facing Fisgard site in May. The result will be an invaluable addition to – and departure from – public art in Victoria.

Olio have set up a fund to produce the mural and are actively seeking capable volunteers and generous donations to make the project possible.

Fisgard Mural Concern PDF - englishProject Outline (english – 183kb)


This will be one of 2010’s largest visual arts projects and will need a healthy amount of public support.  Please support a positive direction in public art and make donation to see it happen.  The Olio Cooperative have established a fund to raise the 10 000$ needed to produce the mural – please make a one-time or ongoing donation to the development of the mural using the Paypal link below.

Artwork for the mural will be viewable beginning March 20th as a part of 03.20.10.go., a group art show featuring the artists involved in the mural’s design.

Community Consultation

The Fisgard Mural Concern is a community initiative and cannot progress without the support of the Chinatown, Downtown Victoria and Victoria arts communities.  We strongly encourage community members to take part by bringing questions, concerns, inquiries or words of support to public attention at the community consultation open houses.  Information on the project, the mural’s artwork and the artists involved will be on hand to illuminate the intentions and aspirations of the mural project.

Please join us on any of the following dates:

Sunday, March 21st • 6pm – 9pm at the Olio Cooperative, 614 1/2 Fisgard st.

Wednesday, March 31st • 6pm – 9pm at the Olio Cooperative, 614 1/2 Fisgard st. Translation services will be available in Mandarin and Cantonese at community consultation sessions.